
2024-2025本科目录| 20253

成绩 & 分级


1. The grade point average is computed by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of semester credits attempted for which grades of A, B, C, D, 或者F是给定的. Quality points for each course are calculated by multiplying the number of semester credits by the points awarded for the grade achieved in that course. 成绩分数显示在下面的“成绩类型”下.

例如, 得了a的学生, 两个B, 和一个C, 三个学期的学分课程, 的平均绩点如下:

    × 3学分= 4 × 3 = 12质量分
    B × 3学期学分= 3 × 3 = 9质量分
    B × 3学期学分= 3 × 3 = 9质量分
    C × 3学分= 2 × 3 = 6质量分

    36质量分除以12学期学分= 3.00平均绩点      

2. Only the most recent grade of a repeated course will be used in computing the GPA. The first grade will be removed from the computation of the GPA once a Repeat Form is submitted to the 记录 and 登记 Office. (见“复读课程”).)

3. Only credits taken at 贝米吉州立大学 or on the Common Market Program will be used in computing the GPA. (参见学位和课程下的“共同市场计划”.)

4. All BSU courses taken in the major and minor areas count in the computation of those GPAs and, 因此, 一定要拿一个字母的分数吗.



    A+  (4.0质量分)
    A    (4.0质量分)|优秀
    A-   (3.67质量分)
    B+  (3.33质量分)
    B    (3.0质量分)|非常好
    B-   (2.67质量分)
    C+  (2.33质量分)
    C    (2.0质量分)|平均
    C-   (1.67质量分)
    D+  (1.33质量分)
    D    (1.0质量点)|通过
    D-   (0.67质量点)
    F    (0.0质量分)|失败
    I -不完整*
    IP - in-progress*
    Z -没有老师报告的分数
    NC -没有信用*
    P - pass*
    S -满意*
    U -不满意*
    AU -审计*
    W -退出(退出)*


The records of all courses completed prior to spring quarter 1975 are microfilmed and stored at Northwest Technical College, Bemidji, MN.  随后的成绩记录被存储并备份在计算机磁盘上.


I - Incomplete: To be used when prior arrangement is made between the student and the instructor or in the case of a verifiable emergency situation. An incomplete must be resolved by the end of the next regular term; otherwise, 这个分数是不及格,因此被记录下来. Any exception must be petitioned and approved by the Student Program and Admission Committee (petition forms in the 记录 and 登记 Office). After one (1) year these grades may be discounted from the grade point average only when the courses are repeated. All "I" (Incomplete) grades must be resolved before a degree will be conferred.

IP - In-Progress:学生可以, 在教练事先批准的情况下, be granted a grade of "IP" (In Progress) for an independent study project (e.g., thesis or research paper) or special course for which completion of the course within one semester may not normally be anticipated. All "IP" (In Progress) grades must be removed before a degree will be conferred.

S或U——满意或不满意:部分课程, 比如学生教学, 实习, 还有一些研讨会, 只提供“S”或“U”等级的标志. 这些课程不提供字母成绩.

P, NC, 或A - Pass, 没有信用, or A Option: A student may enroll in certain courses on a Pass/没有信用 (P/NC) basis by petitioning the 记录 and 登记 Office. No letter grade is assigned unless a grade of "A" is achieved and then that grade is so recorded. Semester credits earned on a Pass/没有信用 basis are not included in the computation of the student's grade point average (GPA), 但是通过的学期学分计入毕业. 如果达到“A”级,则包含在GPA计算中. 及格/无学分成绩成为学生永久记录的一部分. The option to register on a Pass/没有信用 basis may be exercised until the end of the tenth class day of a semester (fourth day of class during summer term). The Pass/没有信用 registrant is obligated to complete all course 需求 and to take all examinations. 以下限制适用于通行证/无学分注册:

  • Pass/没有信用 courses may not be used as part of a major, a minor, an emphasis, or Core Curriculum.
  • Professional Education courses and courses required for teacher licensure may not be taken Pass/没有信用.
  • Courses offered on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis may not be taken Pass/没有信用.
  • No more than one class per semester (regardless of semester credit) may be taken Pass/没有信用.
  • No more than thirteen (13) semester credits may be accrued for graduation using the Pass/没有信用 grading option.
  • A student who is on academic probation may not register for any course on a Pass/没有信用 basis, unless it is in excess of the twelve (12) semester credits of letter grade (A, B, C, D, F)必修课程.
  • No class taken initially for a letter grade may be repeated on a Pass/没有信用 basis.
  • A petition to take a class on a Pass/没有信用 must be filed with the 记录 Office by the 10th day of the semester.

AU-Audit Option: Students who desire to take a course without credit and without regard for the usual prerequisites may enroll as "audit.这些学生必须通知导师他们正在旁听. Students taking a course as 'audit' must pay the regular tuition and fees required of other students, 但是他们不允许参加考试. Audited courses do not earn credits and 因此 cannot be counted toward graduation 需求 or as part of the student's course load. 成绩只记录为“AU”-审计. A petition to take a class as 'Audit' must be filed with the 记录 Office by the 15th day of the semester.

W-Withdraw: Given to students who withdraw prior to the withdrawal deadline published in the 校历 from a class for which they are financially responsible. No one may withdraw from class after that time except in special hardship cases. (Course withdrawal dates can be seen when selecting the course title within eServices/Courses & 注册/搜索课程. 如有疑问,请与档案室联络.)

EX-Exchange: Eligible students have the option of taking courses at other state universities while maintaining their residency at 贝米吉州立大学. These courses are designated with an EX grade and are considered “residence credits” for all other university policies (GPA computation, 居住要求, 等.).